Popular Auto Components India

The most competitive auto parts manufacturing companies are located in India. Auto components from India are the most widely preferred for automobile manufacture all over the world. The auto parts manufacturers in India assure you quality and provide genuine auto components at reasonable costs. Owing to this,Popular Auto Components India Articles auto components manufacturers and auto components exportersIndia have a major contribution in the growth of the economy in this sector. Auto parts manufacturers India started as a domestic market supplier and they quickly progressed to exporting auto components to other countries. The progress is rapid and this sector has been growing since 2000 at the rate of 20% per year. It is expected to maintain the same growth phase till 2015. The factors that contribute to the growth of auto components India are many. Demand for vehicles It is a known fact that along with the rise in population, there is an automatic rise on the demand for all basic necessities and transportation is one used auto parts among them. There is a huge demand for vehicles all over the world. Therefore, automobile industries worldwide have seen a huge jump in the growth of automobile industry. Consequently growth in auto parts manufacturers and auto parts exporters India. Quality and Cost Auto manufacturing in India means lower labor costs but high quality standards. International standards are maintained while manufacturing low cost components in India. Skilled Manpower In India, the cost of fresh engineers is US $8,000 per year. On an average, India produces about 0.4 million engineers a year. Auto components India and Auto Parts Exporters India are large and they contribute upto 80% of the total growth in the industry. Apart from this, the market size of the automobile industry is growing tremendously. They report robust demand after-sales and also increasing demand in exports. Around 13% of the auto components India are being exported to other countries for manufacturing automobiles. Items exported normally are tractor parts, replacement parts, piston rings, motorcycle parts, engine valves, gaskets, fuel nozzles, halogen bulbs, auto bulbs, gears, radiators, brake assemblies, bearings, leaf springs and spark plugs. Auto component manufacturers India are being looked upon as an outsourcing hub for automobile manufacturers all over the world. As a result, many people are investing in this sector. The huge demand of the auto parts and growing demand in automobiles make this a worthwhile investment. Many international manufacturers like Toyota, Michelin, MothersonSumi Systems plan to invest in India or auto components manufacturers owing to low cost in expenses.